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December 14th Announcements

The Admin Office will close on December 22nd and re-open on the 27th and again will close December 31st and reopen January 4th for the holidays!

New Year’s Eve PartyRing in 2022 with all of us at the community hall! Buy your tickets online by clicking here and select your table by calling (403) 246-4553 ext 3 or by seeing a council member after church on Sundays. Additionally you can pay for and pickup your tickets Monday to Thursday from 9am to 2pm from the Admin Office. 

Tickets are $75 with a 3 course dinner and $25 for children (chicken fingers and fries). Complimentary champagne toast at midnight and party favors for all! LIVE BOUZOUKI BAND! Click here for more info. $35 entry after 9pm. 

Tickets are limited so be sure to get them today!NYE 50/50 Cash RaffleThe Hellenic Society is excited to announce our online New Years Eve 50/50 fundraiser through Rafflebox! Funds raised by this raffle will support our Society which is the hub for all of our cultural programs, especially Greek School and Greek Dance. Grab your tickets by clicking here! Tickets are now on sale through to December 31st, 2021The winner will be contacted to claim their prize on January 1st. 2022. Thank you for your ongoing support!

Altar Boy OrientationAltar Boy orientation will be on December 19th after Divine Liturgy. Please bring your copies of the Altar Server’s Guide.

Re-Catechism ClassOn Tuesday, December 21st we will have the next session of our Adult Religious Education program. The topic is the Cycle of Orthodox Services and it will be held in the Hall from 6-8 pm, and then we will have Μικρό Απόδειπνο in the church after to conclude the evening.

Holy UnctionThis Wednesday, December 15th at 7pm, all parishioners are invited to receive the blessing of Holy Unction at Holy Martyr Peter the Aleut Orthodox Church (in Marda Loop). 

Church StoreCome by after liturgy on Sundays to pick up an icon, a book, or some beautiful jewelry!  

Church Support VolunteersThe Church committee is looking for some support during services. If you can help, click here to sign up

Sunday SchoolSunday School has resumed with in-person lessonsJoin us Sunday, December 19th following Divine Liturgy in the church, as Sunday school presents the Nativity Play! All children are welcome to participate that day, as we can always use an extra star for our starry night!

We pray that everyone is healthy and that you all have a wonderful Christmas holiday. “Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, goodwill toward men!” Luke 2:14

Greek SchoolSAVE YOUR BOTTLES! Our first ever bottle drive held on January 8th from 9am-11am! For more information or volunteer opportunities, please

Intermediate online adult classes start on January 12th! If learning Greek is one of your 2022 resolutions, contact us now to reserve your spot. For more information, click here or email us at

Proud to serve our community for another year! We would like to wish to you and your loved ones, Merry Christmas as well as a Safe and Happy New Year! Καλά Χριστούγεννα και Καλή Χρονιά!

PhiloptochosThank you to those who supported our 2021 Philoptochos Bazaar. With your help, we donated $10,000 to our Hellenic Community. We are also donating $10,500 to those in need through the following: Calgary Children’s Foundation, Calgary Women’s Shelter, Brown Bagging for Kids, Louise Dean School, Glenbrook School, Mustard Seed Calgary, RESET, Awo Taan Healing Lodge Society, and our direct support of Calgary’s homeless and people in needLastly, we are having a Christmas Bake Sale on December 19th after church! If you would like to PRE-order, please click here. Additional details are on our Philoptochos Facebook Page.

Maids of AthenaThe Maids of Athena would like to spread Christmas cheer Greek style! We will be singing kalanda onThursday, December 23rd between 5-8pm and we would love to come by your home! Please contact Lia Chrisohou at 587-434-9096, or click here to fill out the registration form. Please note that we may not be able to accommodate all requests depending on the distance, and spots are limited.


ART for HOPE – Εύ Topia Art Auction The Hellenic Initiative (THI) Canada has partnered with 10 renowned Greek painters representing the finest of the contemporary Greek art scene, to help raise funds for the program with HOPEgenesis.

Each painting sold through the Εύ-topia art auction will cover the costs of 2-3 pregnancies for low-income families on remote islands of Greece, giving hope and new life to places that are facing abandonment.The 23 professionally curated works are being presented for the first time, offering a unique opportunity for collectors, art lovers and Philhellenes to not only acquire a piece of Greece but to contribute to a philanthropic cause that will have an immediate impact on future generations of Greeks. The Art Auction ends tomorrow! Click here to experience the gallery.

Food Bank DonationsBoxes have been placed in the Narthex of the Church where non-perishable food items can be collected. Some of the Food Banks most wanted items include: peanut butter, Kraft dinner, canned fruit, canned beans, and canned tomatoes. 

Attention Business OwnersOur membership business directory is live! Click here to view it. As a reminder, all paid members can have their business listing added free of charge. Contact Penelope at if you wish to add your business name and contact information to the directory.

Information for Funeral ServicesFor information regarding funerals and memorial services, please click hereParishioners can contact a funeral home of their choice first. Please contact Fr. Thomas at (403)246-4553 ext 2 or at

December 1st Announcements

Council Elections
On Sunday, December 12th, the 2021 Elections will take place. Polls will open after the Divine Liturgy and close at 5PM. The ballots will be counted immediately after. Absentee ballots must be turned in prior to the end of Divine Liturgy on December 12th. Click here to get your absentee ballot.

NYE 50/50 Cash Raffle
The Hellenic Society is excited to announce our online New Years Eve 50/50 fundraiser through Rafflebox! Funds raised by this raffle will support our Society which is the hub for all of our cultural programs, especially Greek School and Greek Dance. Grab your tickets by clicking here! Tickets are now on sale through to December 31st, 2021. The winner will be contacted to claim their prize on January 1st. 2022. Thank you for your ongoing support!

New Year’s Eve Party
Ring in 2022 with all of us at the community hall! More info to come soon! 

Church Store
The bookstore and gift shop has officially opened! Stop by after liturgy on Sundays to pick up an icon, a book, or some beautiful jewelry!  

Church Support Volunteers
The Church committee is looking for some support during services. If you can help, click here to sign up.

Sunday School
In-person lessons will resume this Sunday, December 5th,  2021. Please note that if the capacity in the church hasn’t been increased by the government, we are offering the basement as overflow seating with the liturgy being live streamed. Thus, ensuring all children interested in participating in Sunday School and the Nativity Pageant on Sunday December 19th can do so.

A reminder about Covid protocol: Children are to sit with their respective guardians during Liturgy until communion. After communion, children may join their Sunday School teachers to attend class downstairs. Guardians are to come downstairs to pick up their child(ren), at the end of the Divine liturgy.

Attention Business OwnersOur membership business directory is live! Click here to view it. As a reminder, all paid members can have their business listing added free of charge. Contact Penelope at if you wish to add your business name and contact information to the directory.

Information for Funeral ServicesFor information regarding funerals and memorial services, please click hereParishioners can contact a funeral home of their choice first. Please contact Fr. Thomas at (403)246-4553 ext 2 or at